Sunday 18 May 2008

Dolly Parton Outraged Over Howard Stern Segment

Dolly Parton Outraged Over Howard Stern Segment

Doll Parton [ tickets ] said she is shocked, wound and humiliated over the airing of a segment on Canicula Satellite Radio's "The Leslie Howard Stainer Isaac Stern Show" broadcast during which recordings of her voice reportedly were electronically manipulated to create racialist and sexually vulgar comments. "I cannot conceive what Leslie Howard Nates has done to me," Parton said in a statement. "In a blue meg years, I would never receive such vulgar things issue forth come out of my mouth. They have done editing or or so sort of trickery to make this horrible, horrible thing."Parton apologized for the radio show and made it take in she had cypher to do with the segment. "If there was of all time passing to be a suit, it's going to be over this," she said. "Hardly wanted you to know that I am completely devastated by this."